Mission Bay Bottom Paint Has Clear Advantages over Trilux 33!
30% Longer Lasting Performance than Interlux Trilux 33 !
- US Made with Premium Raw Materials VS. European
- Completely Safe for Aluminum Boats, Including Pontoon Boats!
- No Copper (Trilux 33 has liquid copper)
- Proven Premium Performance in All Waters!
- Solvent Free Version Available (Mission Bay CSF -Easy application, Less Toxic Fumes and VOC’s)
- Compatible with Trilux 33 (You can apply Sea Hawk Mission Bay over the top of Trilux 33 without any additional steps!)
This Sea Hawk Mission Bay and Interlux Trilux 33 bottom paint review / comparison was based on customer feedback and information received by the manufacturer(s) either directly or indirectly, and is solely the opinion of Bottom Paint Store.
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